The Toronto Youth Shorts Film Festival is back in full swing for our 5th year and we're bringing back the T24 Project, a unique 24 hour film challenge unlike any other. Mark off Friday, February 15, 2013 on your calendars to take part in another exciting installment of this event.
On the night of the challenge, teams of local young filmmakers aged 18-28 will run amok the city to capture their stories about the Toronto experience on camera with the final result shown on the big screen in March.
So for those of you new to this: what is the T24 Project? It’s a 24 hour film challenge but unlike every other challenge of this nature where everyone is given a different selection of props, locations, themes and odd pieces of dialogue, we give everyone a challenge question, usually pertaining to how our city is incorporated into various facets of arts and culture. Filmmaking teams have 24 hours to answer the challenge question via a short film.
This is a huge opportunity for filmmakers as it not only demonstrates your creativity and skill in filmmaking but also one that allows you to integrate your surroundings into a film project in a invigorating manner. As a local festival for local emerging artists, we want you to represent Toronto as a living entity rather than just a backdrop.
Also unlike the other challenges, everyone receives the same package. The only unique differences between every film is how the filmmakers approach answering the challenge question in their entry. During deliberation of awards, everyone is judged equally amongst each other because everyone made a movie toward a common theme.
Why take part in the T24 Project? Well, there are a few reasons:
1. It’s really inexpensive - our challenge costs $30/team of 4 people and it covers your screning while others cost up to $250 dollars per team and sometimes they don't even provide a screening
2. You hear feedback on the entries - we invite those from the industry to give notes on each film and determine awards. Past participants included film festival programmers, film critics and award-winning filmmakers from other notable festivals.
3. It’s a way to tell your own story about your surroundings - Toronto is a unique and multifaceted city and rarely does it get the recognition it deserves on the screen
4. It’s a great piece for the portfolio - unlike other challenges, your finished film can be easily viewed without the context of explaining that you had to shoehorn different elements into the work which makes it suitable for other festival screenings. Winners from past challenges have been shown in other festivals, screenings, and even TV!
5. Low time commitment – seriously, it’s only ONE DAY on a weekend that you need to spare from whatever else you may be doing.
6. It’s a great starting point for those with little to no experience in filmmaking – we’ve had people make their first film ever through the T24 Project
7. You get to learn how you work under immense pressure and see what you’re capable of. It’s a great way to stretch your creative muscles
8. It’s extremely fun
So what are you waiting for? Get those teams ready and make a movie
1) The T24 Project is open to filmmakers aged 18-28 living and studying in the Greater Toronto Area. For festival purposes, residency is defined as currently living, or studying in the GTA which includes the City of Toronto (including East York, North York, York, Etobicoke, and Scarborough), Ajax, Aurora, Brampton, Brock, Burlington, Caledon, East Gwillimbury, Georgina, Halton Hills, King, Markham, Mississauga, Milton, Newmarket, Oakville, Oshawa, Pickering, Richmond Hill, Scugog, Stouffville, Uxbridge, Vaughan and Whitby.
2) Your team can have up to 4 official members, which can be any combination of director, producer, writer, camera operator, editor or whatever crew you need. All 4 members must be aged 18-28 inclusive.
3) Your $30 registration fee covers the 4 official members of your team, which includes admission to the T24 Project film screening in March
4) The team captain must be in the role of director for the film
5) The lead actors or prominent subjects of your film must be between the ages of 18-28 inclusive. Supporting and background performers can be of any age.
6) Performers are typically not considered official members of your team unless your crew falls short of 4 members. Performers are considered additional members and are not covered in the fee. There is no limit to the amount of performers or subjects that appear in your film but any crew/tech work must be within the 4 members.
7) Films can be shot using any medium but will be required to render the final project in a specific digital format to be announced at the kick off
Teams will be given additional criteria about the challenge at the kick off. All registrations are final. No refunds for cancellations or no-shows.