46 films have been selected by the Deutschen Filmakademie (German Film Academy) for the longlist of films eligible for nomination in the upcoming 63rd Deutscher Filmpreis (German Film Awards) or Lolas.
Selected films included the English-language film Cloud Atlas by Lana Wachowski, Andy Wachowski and Tom Tykwer (who is German). Also included for eligibility is the German-language film Lore by Australian filmmaker Cate Shortland. It was Australia's submission to the Academy for Best Foreign Language Film but was not selected.
The German film Barbara by Christian Petzold which was shortlisted by the Academy was from last year's 62nd Deutscher Filmpreis. Although current Oscar-nominee Amour is a German co-production (with Austria and France), it was not included on the longlist.
They were chosen by three committees – and eighteen-member committee for drama, seven for documentary, and eight for children's film. 28 of the jurors were Filmakademie members, while one was an industry professional and four were representatives of the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Government Commission for Culture and Media).
The nominations will be announced on March 22, 2013. The ceremony for the 63rd Deutschen Filmpreis will be presented on the evening of April 26 in Berlin’s Friedrichstadt-Palast.
Complete longlist of film for the 63rd Deutscher Filmpreis
Am Himmel Der Tag (Breaking Horizins)– Pola Beck
Cloud Atlas– Lana Wachowski, Andy Wachowski, Tom Tykwer
Ende der Schonzeit (Closed Season) – Franziska Schlotterer
Fraktus – Lars Jessen
Gnade (Mercy)– Matthias Glasner
Hannah Arendt– Margarethe von Trotta
Heute Bin Ich Blond (The Girl With Nine Wigs)– Marc Rothemund
Invasion– Dito Tsintsadze
Die Kirche Bleibt Im Dorf (The Church is in the Village)– Ulrike Grote
Das Leben Ist Nichts Für Feiglinge (Life Is Not for Cowards)– André Erkau
Little Thirteen– Christian Klandt
Lore– Cate Shortland
Ludwig II.– Peter Sehr, Marie Noëlle
Oh Boy– Jan Ole Gerster
Puppe, Icke & Der Dicke (Doll, Fatso & Me)– Felix Stienz
Quellen Des Lebens (The Sources of Life)– Oskar Roehler
Revision– Philip Scheffner
Schlussmacher (Separator)– Matthias Schweighöfer
Schuld Sind Immer Die Anderen (Shifting the Blame)– Lars-Gunnar Lotz
Schutzengel (Guardian Angel)– Til Schweiger
Türkisch Für Anfänger – Der Kinofilm (Turkish for Beginners – The Movie)– Bora Dagtekin
Die Vermessung Der Welt (Measuring the World)– Detlev Buck
Die Vermissten (Reported Missing)– Jan Speckenbach
Die Wand (The Wall)– Julian Roman Pölsler
Was Bleibt (Home for the Weekend)– Hans-Christian Schmid
Das Wochenende (The Weekend)– Nina Grosse
Alles wird gut (Everything Will Be Alright)– Niko von Glasow
Berg Fidel – Eine Schule für alle (Berg Fidel – a School for Everybody)– Hella Wenders
Cinema Jenin – The Story Of A Dream– Marcus Vetter
Heino Jaeger – Look Before You Kuck– Gerd Kroske
Herr Wichmann Aus Der Dritten Reihe (Henryk from the Back Row)– Andreas Dresen
Das Lied Des Lebens (The Song of Life)– Irene Langemann
Meine Freiheit, Deine Freiheit (My Freedom, Your Freedom)– Diana Näcke
More Than Honey– Markus Imhoof
Sofias Letzte Ambulanz (Sofia’s Last Ambulance)– Ilian Metev
Sound Of Heimat – Deutschland Singt (Sound of Homeland – Germany Sings)– Arne Birkenstock, Jan Tengeler
This Ain’t California– Marten Persiel
Das Venedig Prinzip (The Venice Syndrome)– Andreas Pichler
Vergiss Mein Nicht (Forget Me Not)– David Sieveking
Die Wohnung (The Flat)– Arnon Goldfinger
Die Abenteuer des Huck Finn (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)– Hermine Huntgeburth
Fünf Freunde 2 (Famous Five 2)– Mike Marzuk
Das Haus Der Krokodile (Victor and the Secret of Crocodile Mansion)– Cyrill Boss, Philipp Stennert
Kaddisch Für Einen Freund (Kaddish for a Friend)– Leo Khasin
Ritter Rost (Rusty Knight)– Thomas Bodenstein
Die Vampirschwestern (Vampire Sisters)– Wolfgang Groos