Last night, the Society of Camera Operators held their awards ceremony at the Leonard Goldenson Theatre for their 2013 Society of Camera Operators Awards or "Cammy" Awards.
In the feature film category, Mitch Dubin was honoured for his work on Steven Spielberg's Lincoln. He had been competing against Peter Robertson for Anna Karenina, Duane C. Manwiller for The Hunger Games, Colin Anderson for The Master, and Lukasz Bielan for Life of Pi. Peter Robertson, however, was presented with the previously-announced Historic Shot Award for his work on the Dunkirk Beach Steadicam shot on another Joe Wright film Atonement.
In television, Andrew Voegeli was the winner for Breaking Bad. His competition had been Nick Davidoff for Homeland, Tony Gaudioz for House, Chris Murphy for Newsroom, and Jeff Muhlstock for Smash.
A number of Lifetime Achievement Awards were presented, including to director/actress Penny Marshall and to actress Kyra Sedgwick.
Complete list of winners for the 2013 Society of Camera Operators Awards
Camera Operator of the Year – Film
Mitch Dubin, Lincoln
Camera Operator of the Year – Television
Andrew Voegeli, Breaking Bad
Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients
SOC Governors Award
Penny Marshall
Camera Operator
Bruce MacCallum SOC
Camera Technician
Baird Steptoe
Still Photographer
Melissa Moseley, SMPSP
Mobile Camera Platform Operator
Brad Rea
President's Lifetime Award
Kyra Sedgwick
Distinguished Service Award
Woody Omens, ASC
Historical Shot Award
Peter Robertson, ACO
Technical Achievement Awards
Canon for the EOS Cinema C-300 and C-500 camera systems
David Eubank for the pCAM Film+Digital Calculator