This weekend, the Česká filmová a televizní akademie (Czech Film and Television Academy) hosted the awards ceremony for the 20th Annual Český lev (Czech Lion Awards) for Czech film and television at the Velkém sále Lucerny (Great Hall, Lucerna) in Prague. The evening was hosted by Jan Budař.
David Ondříček's Ve stínu (In the Shadow) swept the night with 9 awards. Including its two previously announced awards, its total Czech Lion Awards haul was 11 trophies, tying the record set by Vladimír Michálek's Je třeba zabít Sekala (Sekal Must Die) in 1998. Its wins included Best Film, Director, Screenplay and Actor (Ivan Trojan).
Čtyři slunce (Four Suns) by Pavel Strnad and Petr Oukropec had also been in the running with 12 nominations, but came away with only a single win for Best Supporting Actress (Klára Melíšková).
Best Actress went to Gabriela Míčová in Odpad město smrt (Waste, City, and Death). Ondřej Vetchý was named Best Supporting Actor for Okresní prebor - Poslední zápas Pepíka Hnátka (Sunday League - Pepik Hnatek's Final Match).
Nominations for the 20th Annual Český lev
Complete list of winners for the 20th Annual Český lev
Best Film
Ve stínu (In the Shadow) - Kryštof Mucha, David Ondříček, Ehud Bleiberg
Best Director
Ve stínu (In the Shadow) - David Ondříček
Best Screenplay
Ve stínu (In the Shadow) - Marek Epstein, David Ondříček, Misha Votruba
Best Actor
Ve stínu (In the Shadow) - Ivan Trojan
Best Actress
Odpad město smrt (Waste, City, and Death) - Gabriela Míčová
Best Supporting Actor
Okresní prebor - Poslední zápas Pepíka Hnátka (Sunday League - Pepik Hnatek's Final Match) - Ondřej Vetchý
Best Supporting Actress
Čtyři slunce (Four Suns) - Klára Melíšková
Best Music
Ve stínu (In the Shadow) - Jan P. Muchow, Michal Novinski
Best Sound
Ve stínu (In the Shadow) - Pavel Rejholec, Jakub Čech
Best Art Department
Ve stínu (In the Shadow) - Jan Vlasák (Production Designer), Jarmila Konečná (Costume Designer), Lukáš Král (Make-Up Artist)
Best Documentary
Láska v hrobě (Love In The Grave) - David Vondráček
Best Editor
Ve stínu (In the Shadow) - Michal Lánský
Best Cinematography
Ve stínu (In the Shadow) - Adam Sikora
Audience Award
Líbáš jako ďábel (You Kiss Like the Devil) - Marie Poledňáková
SPECIAL AWARDS (previously announced) Award
Lepší zítřky (Tomorrow Will Be Better)
Best Film Poster
Ve stínu (In the Shadow)
Critics' Award (Feature Film)
Ve stínu (In the Shadow)
Critics' Award (Documentary)
Láska v hrobě (Love In The Grave)
Magnesia Award for Best Student Film
Best Foreign Film of 2012
Intouchables (Nedotknutelní)