The Polska Akademia Filmowa (Polish Film Academy) have announced the nominees for the 15th edition of the Polskich Nagród Filmowych Orły 2013 (Eagle Awards).
The World War II resistance drama Obława (Manhunt) by Marcin Krzyształowicz led the field with ten nominations, including Best Film, Best Director and Screenplay for Krzyształowicz. It was also nominated in each of the acting categories – Weronika Rosati for Best Actress, Marcin Dorociński for Best Actor, Sonia Bohosiewicz for Best Supporting Actress, and Maciej Stuhr for Best Supporting Actor.
It was followed closely by the nine nominations of Jesteś Bogiem (You Are God) by Leszek Dawid. The film about Poland's influential late-1990s/early-2000s hip-hop crew Paktofonika also picked up mentions for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay.
The third Best Film nod went to another World War II drama, Władysław Pasikowski's Pokłosie (Aftermath), which was next with seven nods. The third Best Director slot, however, went to Roman Polański for the English-language drama Carnage (Rzeź), which also picked up nods for Best Screenplay and Best Music.
The Best European Film nominees are last year's Oscar-winnerThe Artist (Artysta) and this year's Oscar submission from FranceIntouchables (Nietykalni), as well as this year's French-language Oscar favourite for Foreign Language FilmAmour (Miłość) by Austrian Michael Haneke.
The ceremony for the 15th Annual Polskich Nagród Filmowych Orły will be held on March 4 at the Teatrze Narodowym (National Theatre) in Warsaw.
Complete list of nominations for the 15th Annual Polskich Nagród Filmowych Orły
Best Film
Leszek Dawid – Jesteś Bogiem (You Are God)
Marcin Krzyształowicz – Obława (Manhunt)
Władysław Pasikowski – Pokłosie (Aftermath)
Best European Film
Michel Hazanavicius – The Artist (Artysta), France
Michael Haneke − Amour (Miłość), Austria
Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano − Intouchables (Nietykalni), France
Best Documentary
Jerzy Śladkowski − Fabryka wódki (Vodka Factory)
Michał Marczak − Fuck for Forest
Jacek Bławut − Wirtualna wojna (Man at War)
Best Director
Leszek Dawid − Jesteś Bogiem (You Are God)
Marcin Krzyształowicz − Obława (Manhunt)
Roman Polański − Carnage (Rzeź)
Best Screenplay
Wojciech Smarzowski − Drogówka (Highway Patrol)
Maciej Pisuk − Jesteś Bogiem (You Are God)
Marcin Krzyształowicz − Obława (Manhunt)
Roman Polański, Yasmina Reza − Carnage (Rzeź)
Best Actress
Agnieszka Grochowska − Bez wstydu (Shameless)
Weronika Rosati − Obława (Manhunt)
Danuta Szaflarska − Pokłosie (Aftermath)
Best Actor
Bartłomiej Topa − Drogówka (Highway Patrol)
Marcin Dorociński − Obława (Manhunt)
Maciej Stuhr − Pokłosie (Aftermath)
Best Supporting Actress
Izabela Kuna − Drogówka (Highway Patrol)
Sonia Bohosiewicz − Obława (Manhunt)
Joanna Kulig − Sponsoring
Best Supporting Actor
Arkadiusz Jakubik − Drogówka (Highway Patrol)
Dawid Ogrodnik − Jesteś Bogiem (You Are God)
Maciej Stuhr − Obława (Manhunt)
Best Cinematography
Radosław Ładczuk – Jesteś Bogiem (You Are God)
Arkadiusz Tomiak – Obława (Manhunt)
Piotr Sobociński Jr. – Drogówka (Highway Patrol)
Best Music
Mikołaj Trzaska – Drogówka (Highway Patrol)
Krzysztof Komeda, Mariusz Ostański – Komeda, Komeda ...
Alexandre Desplat – Carnage (Rzeź)
Best Art Direction
Katarzyna Sobańska, Marcel Sławiński – Jesteś Bogiem (You Are God)
Wojciech Żogała – Mój rower (My Father's Bike)
Allan Starski – Obława (Manhunt)
Janusz Sosnowski − Wyspa skazańców (King of Devil's Island)
Best Costume Design
Agata Culak – Jesteś Bogiem (You Are God)
Magdalena Rutkiewicz-Luterek – Obława (Manhunt)
Małgorzata Braszka – Pokłosie (Aftermath)
Best Editing
Jarosław Kamiński – Jesteś Bogiem (You Are God)
Cezary Kowalczuk – Mój rower (My Father's Bike)
Jarosław Kamiński – Pokłosie (Aftermath)
Best Sound
Nikodem Wołk-Łaniewski – Felix, Net i Nika oraz Teoretycznie Możliwa Katastrofa (Felix, Net & Nika and the Theoretically Possible Catastrophe)
Barbara Domaradzka, Piotr Domaradzki – Obława (Manhunt)
Michał Żarnecki – Piąta pora roku (The Fifth Season of the Year)
Jan Freda, Jan Schermer i Bartosz Putkiewicz − Pokłosie (Aftermath)
Discovery of the Year
Marcin Kowalczyk, Actor – Jesteś Bogiem (You Are God)
Bartosz Konopka, Director – Lęk wysokości (Fear of Falling)
Michał Urbaniak, Actor – Mój rower (My Father's Bike)